My name is Justin Wasson and I live in the small and boring city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It's been several years since I started tae kwon do and, just like everyone else, I've gone through several obstacles while attepmting to achieve my status as black belt but it was all worth it.

Monday, January 02, 2006

The Commenceration of My Blog

I've been using xanga for far too long and so it's about time I switched over to blogspot. This will mostly be a recollection of events that shifted and molded me into the black belt that I am today. If you want to see my past views on tae kwon do (because odds are that they have changed over time) then you might appreciate visiting my xanga site Well, that's all that I have to write for now but I'll make sure to post again really soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Jane put you up to this blog?

6:17 PM

Blogger JustABlackBelt said...

lol, She suggested it before and it sounded like a good idea since I can put pics into this and not xanga. This might inspire me to write more often. And also, who are you?

6:19 PM


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