My name is Justin Wasson and I live in the small and boring city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It's been several years since I started tae kwon do and, just like everyone else, I've gone through several obstacles while attepmting to achieve my status as black belt but it was all worth it.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Here is a picture of me during my test for 2nd degree last April!
I've decided to include a little bit more information on my life outside of tae kwon do in this blog, but it will still be the main topic at hand. So, what could a 2nd degree black belt like myself possibly be interested in? Well, my main hobbies would include tae kwon do, French and tennis, and I also hang out with friends all the time. What a crazy combination, huh? Tae kwon do, tennis and french....
Well, French is awesome. I encourage anyone that has the oppurtunity to learn it to go ahead try. After hosting a student from France 2 summers ago and going to France and hosting another student last summer I've decided that it would be awesome to travel there again this summer. Its a beautiful country and the people are very friendly.
Tennis isn't going as well as it went before. I played the #4 spot on varsity last year, had the best record on the team and played all the time. Now-a-days I have become out of "tennis shape" because I have hardly played since early last summer and might not even go out for the team this year. We aren't planned to have a good team, and besides, I'm busy with work and a possible internship coming up, plus tae kwon do and school.
So, what about tae kwon do... Things have been going smoothly lately. Their was a mini tournament held last week which was kind of fun. The New Year is expected to bring about some more success to the school since its recent lack of attendence. We are planning on going to more tournaments which should encourage people to work hard. Also, Master Hughes is going to start advertising more, he's been taking pictures of some people to put into the paper.
Well, I wasn't tired tonite so I stayed up late to write this blog but I think it's time for me to go to bed. I'll make sure to update soon, and some comments would be nice!


Blogger taekwondomom said...

Hello Justin--
So you've switched over to Blogger! I think you'll find it easy to use and perhaps more fun than Xanga because you can post pictures. Shall I send you the pictures of you sparring Brian B.?

9:02 AM

Blogger TKD Rocker said...

Salut, Justin! Ca va? Je joue au tennis aussi. Ciao!

11:15 AM


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