My name is Justin Wasson and I live in the small and boring city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It's been several years since I started tae kwon do and, just like everyone else, I've gone through several obstacles while attepmting to achieve my status as black belt but it was all worth it.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

A Week of Updates

One week has passed already.

A busy schedule, lots of homework, and well deserved time for sleep/friends/etc. had left me little time to update. Last Thursday was Master Hughes's birthday. I went to class that night and afterwards he took me out to dinner at Xaviers. The food was really good, I might need to go eat there again some time. Friday night turned into a decent sized party at my house, prank calling people, playing Halo, and whatever else sounded fun.

Saturday lasted forever. After four hours of sleep I took the rest of my friends home and went down to tae kwon do. Taught 2 classes, then went to work. After four hours of work I went home and crashed. Sunday was filled with more work, followed by a two hour tae kwon do party, followed by two hours of working out. What a busy week-end, sheesh.

Monday was a half day at school but still a very busy day. After school, Nikki and Brandon (two of my friends going on the French excursion with me) came over to my house and we planned buying our plane tickets. Next was a visit to Coe College to check out the campus. It was a lot of fun and makes me greatly consider Coe as an option for next year. After that was tae kwon do again. I can't remember anything special that went on there that day.

Tuesday was a work day. Nothing special. Wednesday was a full day though. Ten hours of school, followed by two hours of tae kwon do, and then two hours of scoreboarding old man basketball. Then today was another pretty full day. School, work, then tae kwon do. Fortunatly tonite I was home by 6:45 and have been chilling out since.

I'm going to make two more posts tonite, first about the tae kwon do party, then about a basketball player in the old man basketball league. But for now, Ciao!


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