My name is Justin Wasson and I live in the small and boring city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. It's been several years since I started tae kwon do and, just like everyone else, I've gone through several obstacles while attepmting to achieve my status as black belt but it was all worth it.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Jimmy the Machine

After tae kwon do on Wednesday was scoreboarding. It had been a long day between school and tae kwon do and I was dreading working that night. I got to score the normal court with the normal scoreboard. Addison wasn't there so David substituted for him, and Chris and Mr. Tsang both got their normal courts.

The game had started.

Two decent teams were on my court so I knew it would be a fun game to watch. One team had all around good players and the other team had horrible players and Jimmy the Machine. Unfortunatly, the other team would make sure to keep two people on Jimmy at all times so he had to rely on the rest of the team. After the first half, Jimmy's team was worn down because they weren't prepared to be relied upon.

The second half started with a tie score but quickly swayed in the favor of the other team. They were controlling the ball often and well. Jimmy's team was losing confidence and rightly so. with five minutes left in the half Jimmy was dribbling the ball down the court and an opponent hit the ball from his hands and it rolled out. Their was a small argument over whether the ball hit Jimmy or the opponent last and Jimmy became furious over this. Every time he'd touch the ball he would shoot it..................and swish it would go in.

His shots were amazing. He was so frustrated yet so intensly accurate at the same time. He would go to just past the half court line and take the shot and swish it. Their team ended up winning by five points and it greatly inspired me to buy a t-shirt that says Jimmy the Machine on it. I thought this story was interesting so I just had to tell it.


Blogger JustABlackBelt said...

hey, how do you know James. Also, how do you know me. And, wassup with you too. Nothin much here, just heading out to tae kwon do now.

2:12 PM

Blogger taekwondomom said...

So you gonna write any more on this blog or what?

What do you think about the comments that columnist made in the Black Belt Magazine I reviewed in my blog? Does the presence of children in martial arts (especially as black belts) "cheapen" the art?

See you on Saturday.

7:25 AM

Blogger JustABlackBelt said...

I'll update about once every week. I think that children often make the best black belts. Their young minds have the capability to memorize the difficult movements easier. On the other hand, they often don't have the ability to teach because they have lacked formal experience with it. But should all black belts need the ability to teach? I know that a year ago when I started teaching, I was worse than some of the junior black belts at our school are now. Also, Mr. T. and James are both great examples of child black belts. Mr. T got his black belt at a very young age and ended up becoming a great martial artist and James is following a very similar path.

10:43 AM


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